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Cler Hotel - Visit Paris

Chic and popular; the Rue Cler in Paris

Publish on Thursday, 5 March 2020 in Visit Paris

Chic and popular; the Rue Cler in Paris

Nestled between the Champs de Mars and the Esplanade des Invalides, the Rue Cler offers a wonderful contrast to those elegant locations due to the pleasant and friendly vibe of its many shops and restaurants.

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The Grande Surface - Galerie Festive; a place you won’t want to miss

Publish on Monday, 5 August 2019 in Visit Paris

The Grande Surface - Galerie Festive; a place you won’t want to miss

Did you like the Jardin Suspendu (Hanging Garden) installed at the Porte de Versailles Exhibition Centre in the 15th arrondissement? Then, you’re sure to love the Grande Surface - Galerie Festive, the new hybrid venue not far from the Opera and designed by the Passage Enchanté team. Make the most of your stay at the Cler Hotel by stopping off at this unusual place on the Boulevard des Italiens. It’s open until December.

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For Valentine's Day; the most romantic places in Paris

Publish on Saturday, 5 January 2019 in Visit Paris

For Valentine's Day; the most romantic places in Paris

Widely regarded as the Capital of Love, the City of Light offers a wealth of activities for lovers, including picturesque walks for two, gourmet pleasures and much more. Make the most of Valentine's Day by following our recommendations for outings in the most romantic parts of Paris.

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Experience the real Paris on the Rue Cler

Publish on Wednesday, 5 December 2018 in Visit Paris

Experience the real Paris on the Rue Cler

If you want to get to know the real Paris and stroll its pavements like a real Parisian, then head to the Rue Cler, in the elegant 7th arrondissement. Picturesque, lively, pleasant and so full of charm, the Rue Cler embodies the essence of Paris, its conviviality and its lifestyle.

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Nous sommes de retour

Chères Clientes, chers Clients, 

Nous sommes heureux de pouvoir vous annoncer que le Cler Hôtel réouvre ses portes à partir du 7 Juin 2021 ! 

Pour des séjours en toute sérénité, nous avons adapté nos services et nous avons mis en place des mesures sanitaires pour votre confort et sécurité.

Réservez d’ores et déjà votre séjour au meilleur tarif sur notre site !

Nous avons hâte de vous accueillir de nouveau.

À très bientôt,
L'équipe du Cler Hôtel

We are Back

Dear guests,

We are happy to announce that Clerc Hotel reopens its doors on June 7th, 2021!

To ensure a stay with complete peace of mind, we've adapted our services and implemented sanitary measures for your comfort and safety.

Book your stay now at the best price on our website!

We look forward to welcoming you again.

See you soon,
The team of Clerc Hotel