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Cler Hotel - Events

The Louvre Pyramid; 30 candles on the cake

Publish on Sunday, 10 March 2019 in Events

The Louvre Pyramid; 30 candles on the cake

From March 29th, 2019, the Louvre Museum celebrates the 30th anniversary of its famous pyramid, a previously controversial work that has become iconic. Located in the centre of the Cour Napoleon, the Louvre Pyramid was designed to function as the main entrance to the Louvre Museum. Various events are planned to mark its landmark anniversary. Discover everything you need to know about this amazing monument and its anniversary event agenda below.

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Eiffel Tower Vertical and the Paris Marathon; world-class challenges

Publish on Sunday, 10 February 2019 in Events

Eiffel Tower Vertical and the Paris Marathon; world-class challenges

In the coming weeks, Paris will host 2 events that place stamina and endurance in the spotlight; the daunting Eiffel Tower Vertical and the famous Paris Marathon. The Iron Lady is a tough opponent and marathons are always a challenge, even in the world’s loveliest city, but these sporting events are highly anticipated by all and bring together participants from around the world.

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Paris Summer Festival and the Summer Garden at Quai Branly

Publish on Tuesday, 10 July 2018 in Events

Paris Summer Festival and the Summer Garden at Quai Branly

With the arrival of summer, Paris is transformed, surrendering to languor and the sweetness of life! This summer, visitors to the capital can enjoy two very special and inclusive events. The Festival Paris l'été (Paris Summer Festival) sprinkles music concerts and other shows throughout the capital, and this year’s Jardin d'été au Quai Branly (Summer Garden at the Quai Branly) is dedicated to young explorers and youth publishing. Enjoy the alluring freedom of Paris this summer during your stay at the Cler Hotel!

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Nous sommes de retour

Chères Clientes, chers Clients, 

Nous sommes heureux de pouvoir vous annoncer que le Cler Hôtel réouvre ses portes à partir du 7 Juin 2021 ! 

Pour des séjours en toute sérénité, nous avons adapté nos services et nous avons mis en place des mesures sanitaires pour votre confort et sécurité.

Réservez d’ores et déjà votre séjour au meilleur tarif sur notre site !

Nous avons hâte de vous accueillir de nouveau.

À très bientôt,
L'équipe du Cler Hôtel

We are Back

Dear guests,

We are happy to announce that Clerc Hotel reopens its doors on June 7th, 2021!

To ensure a stay with complete peace of mind, we've adapted our services and implemented sanitary measures for your comfort and safety.

Book your stay now at the best price on our website!

We look forward to welcoming you again.

See you soon,
The team of Clerc Hotel